New York Securing Communities Against Hate Crimes (SCAHC) Grant Program

Funding Structure:

  • Eligible organizations can submit an application for up to $200,000


  • Nonprofit entities physically located in New York State, under specific tax code sections.

  • The entity must demonstrate a risk of hate crimes due to their ideology, beliefs, or mission.

  • The entity must be prequalified through New York State’s grant management system.

Eligible Use of Funds:

  1. Facility Hardening: This includes both exterior and interior physical security enhancements of the organization's facility, as well as adjacent recreational areas. Facility hardening can encompass a range of measures such as:

    • Perimeter lighting

    • Door hardening/locking

    • Alarm systems

    • Camera-based security systems

    • Access control systems

    • Perimeter fencing, barriers, bollards

    • Blast resistant film for windows/shatter resistant glass

    • Interior door hardening/locking mechanisms

    • Panic Button/Lock-Down systems

    • Public Address (PA) Systems

  2. Security Training: The program covers the costs of providing security training to enhance the knowledge of security personnel, staff, and membership. This includes training for handling potential hate crime scenarios and improving overall security awareness.

Dual eligibility for NSGP and SCAHC:

Entities can apply and receive awards for both the NY SCAHC and NSGP in the same year.

Application Process and Period of Performance:

Applicants must undergo a prequalification process and submit a detailed Investment Justification, as well as a vulnerability assessment. The period of performance is two years from the date of award.

Time is Running Out to Prepare 2024 Applications

You may be eligible for up to $450,000 in federal and $500,000 in state security grant funding this year (state dependent). Even if you don't retain our services, you will probably learn something that will help you with the application process.